From Go to Pony

Getting to know Pony, an open-source, object-oriented, actor-model, capabilities-secure, high performance programming language.

At QCon London 2016 I saw a presentation on Pony and my interest was peaked enough to take a closer look at the language. In this article I will try to contrast Pony against my current favorite language, Go. (I will leave it to others to compare Pony with Erlang or Elixir)

Similarities with Go

Let’s start off by listing some of the characteristics shared between Go and Pony:

  • Ahead-of-time (AOT) compiled
  • Composition over inheritance
  • Garbage collected
  • Hard to Google
  • Inherent build system
  • Open Source
  • Statically typed
  • Structurally typed interfaces
  • Mostly insignificant whitespace

How is it different from Go?

  • Actor based concurrency (Mailboxes!)
  • Algebraic type expressions (Union types!)
  • Classes (composed of fields, constructors, and functions)
  • Default argument values
  • Erlang style Pattern Matching
  • Expressions with more than one infix operator must use parentheses to remove the ambiguity
  • Fully concurrent GC with no stop-the-world or sweep phase (Go GC is concurrent since 1.5)
  • Generics
  • Implicit return values (last expression)
  • let in addition to var
  • No null (but it has a None type)
  • No deadlocks (since there are no locks at all)
  • No global variables (Go has package global variables)
  • Not possible to have data-races (ensured by the compiler)
  • User defined primitive types (like a class, but has no fields and there is only one instance)
  • Statements are expressions
  • Three kinds of type expressions: tuples, unions, and intersections
  • Trait system (similar to Java 8 interfaces that can have default implementations)
  • Type annotations to indicate capabilities (Rcaps)
  • Type aliases (enumerations, complex types)
  • ~zero overhead when calling out to C

Installing Pony

If you are using OS X and have Homebrew installed, then you can install Pony like this:

$ brew install ponyc

The current version of ponyc as of this writing is 0.2.1.

Make sure you also get the pony-vim-syntax.

Hello, World!

The entry point of a Pony binary is the Main actor. The binary is named after the directory, just like how it works in Go.


actor Main
  new create(env: Env) =>
    env.out.print("Hello, World!")

And as you probably know, the Go entry point is the main func.


package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
	fmt.Println("Hello, World!")


The concurrency in Pony is based on Actors, just like in Erlang. Actors in Pony can, unlike classes, have behaviours (asynchronous methods)

Behaviours are asynchronous, but actors themselves are sequential. Actors will only execute a single behaviour at the same time.


A class in Pony can have multiple named constructors. Every constructor has to set every field in an object.

The underscore (_) is used to make something private in Pony. (Exported identifiers in Go start with a upper case letter)


actor Main
  let mascot: Mascot

  new create(env: Env) =>
    mascot = Mascot("Go gopher")


class Mascot
  let _name: String

  new create(name: String) =>
    _name = name

  fun message(): String =>
    "The " + _name + " is the best mascot!"

Learn more about Pony

Bonus: Linking to the shared library from the article Go and Ruby-FFI

Pony includes a really nice C FFI library and this is an example of how you can use it:

use "path:."
use "lib:sum"

use @add[I64](a: I64, b: I64)

actor Main
  new create(env: Env) =>
    env.out.print("4+8 = " + @add(4,8).string())

Then you just need to compile your binary by calling ponyc